“Support measures to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia.”

posted in: Homepage, National News

Shelley Ware is a proud Yankunyjatjara and Wirangu woman from Adelaide, South Australia. She currently calls Melbourne home and will be hiking for healthy hearts as our Coastrek Ambassador on the Mornington Peninsula in May.

Throughout her career, Shelley has been recognised for her contributions to Indigenous issues, women’s health, and women’s sport. Shelley continues to be an influential voice and her advocacy has helped to raise awareness and bring about positive change for First Nation Australians, women, and athletes.

“I am pleased to support Coastrek’s mission to get more women out moving in nature and to help build awareness on heart health in our Indigenous communities.”

The rate of Rheumatic Heart Disease in First Nations Peoples is amongst the highest in the world. Rates increase with remoteness and are most prevalent in females and young people between 5-14 years. Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease are largely preventable with adequate preventative measures, ear diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and Coastrek fundraising will support measures to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia.”


If you want to chat to someone about fundraising, get in touch with the Heart Foundation at coastrek@heartfoundation.org.au or you can call them on 1300083420.