Call for volunteers!

posted in: Homepage, National News

We need volunteers to:

  • cook at One Meal,
  • serve at barbecues,
  • drive trailer,
  • get involved with Youth Quest? (log in Lions Youth Quest)
  • Be trained to use scanner that tests eyesight?

What young people learn in Lions Quest

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) recently published the results of a survey of top employers outlining the skills desired in new college graduates. Likewise, the World Economic Forum identified the top skills needed for the jobs of the future. The most necessary and desired skills are not related to any STEM field or technical proficiency. Instead, they are competencies directly related to the social and emotional skills built by Lions Quest:

  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Critical thinking and creativity
  • Ability to work in a team environment
  • Communications skills with people inside and outside an organization
  • Leadership and the ability to effectively motivate others
  • Strong work ethic and perseverance
Please let Bruce McLaren know if you can help. 0432189007, or for queries