A New Hart Walker for Thomas

posted in: Club News, News

Balgowlah Lions Club was pleased to donate $2,000 towards the cost of a Hart Walker for Thomas who lives at Palm Beach. Manly Lions Club and other Lions Clubs made significant contributions.

Dallas gets off the ground

posted in: Club News, News

How would you feel about lying down 24 hours a day? That’s how life has been for Dallas Lawsen, who has cerebral palsy. Dallas is also blind. Her mother Jade’s request for a Miniwalk came to Lion Greg English, chairman … Read More

Emergency Medical Information Book is Saving Lives

posted in: Club News, News

The introduction of an Emergency Medical Information Book is saving lives by assisting Ambulance Paramedics to diagnose medical symptoms and treat a patient prior to transporting them to hospital. This small ‘Emergency Medical Information Book’ (EMIB) contains a person’s details, … Read More

Beware e-mail scams targeting Lions

posted in: National News, News

Lions should be aware of common e-mail and social media scams targeting club members. Sadly, some of our members have been targeted with these scams. For more information follow this link. More details: http://lionsaustralia.com/2018/01/29/lions-beware-e-mail-and-social-media-scams/

Lions Hearing Dogs on WinTV!

posted in: National News, News

Head on over to the Lions Australia Facebook page to check out this nice story on WinTV Canberra about our Hearing Dogs Attachment: More details: https://www.facebook.com/lionsaustralia/

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