Emergency Medical Information Book is Saving Lives

posted in: Club News, News

The introduction of an Emergency Medical Information Book is saving lives by assisting Ambulance Paramedics to diagnose medical symptoms and treat a patient prior to transporting them to hospital.

This small ‘Emergency Medical Information Book’ (EMIB) contains a person’s details, name of doctor etc; Medical Condition Information, Prescribed Medications, Medical History and Service or Carer Provider Details. The EMIB is contained in a clear plastic wallet with strip magnets and is placed on the fridge. If an ambulance is called to a person’s residence, one ambulance will go straight to the fridge to locate the EMIB.

Who should have one of these books?

All people, adults and children who “take medications or have a medical condition”should have a book, especially elderly people living on their own. This book must by filled out by the owner (patient) together with their doctor.

Lions and Rotary Clubs purchase the Emergency Medical Information Books and distribute them throughout the community, sometimes for a gold coin donation which helps to cover the initial cost of the books and therefore the project becomes self funding.

To order through Lions Club of Balgowlah download the form below and post request with cheque or postal note $3.00 payable Lions Club of Balgowlah to PO Box 50, Balgowlah NSW 2093.

For Chemists and doctor’s surgeries counter outer plus supply of books available through news link on above website, or phone 0403268044.

For Further Information – www.emib.org.au

Attachment: Emergency Medical Information Book order form.doc