Lions train diabetic alert dogs

posted in: Homepage, National News

It’s National Diabetes Week this month so we’d like to remind you about the importance of pups like this, who are trained as Diabetic Alert Dogs by Australian Lions Hearing Dogs 💙🐶
Helping people with diabetes is a global cause of Lions Australia with Clubs all over the country raising money and awareness to improve the wellbeing of people living with the disease.
As part of our awareness campaign, we ran a competition to name this sweet little puppy as she gets ready to em(bark) on her training.
The name of this gorgeous Australian Lions Hearing Dogs puppy is (drum roll, please…) TIGGY!!! 🥰🐶💙
Congratulations to our winner, Megan Grant – “Tiggy” suits her! And a big thank you to all who entered the competition, there were so many creative names 👏
We appreciate the Lions Clubs and supporters of ALHD who sponsor puppies like Tiggy, and we look forward to keeping you up to date with her progress as she grows into a life changing hero 🐶💙

I received my first puppy in 2010 soon after he was born. Up until Scruffy, I was scared of dogs and naturally, didn’t know anything about them. Scruffy’s mother was a Border Collie/Kelpie bred especially to work with sheep, and his father was a little brown dog. I thought raising a puppy couldn’t be much different from raising two sons – it isn’t. Scruffy became my constant companion, going everywhere with me and sleeping on my bed. He learnt all by himself to detect when my low blood sugar levels, would nudge my leg, so I would then test. He was always right. Unfortunately, Scruffy passed away two years ago from multiple organ failure. I’ve been searching for another companion ever since. Keep up the good work!!

Dot Camerer